Paper Submission Information for AAAS Journals
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How I can submit a manuscript in AAAS Journals?
Manuscripts to AAAS journals must be submitted through our online submission system.
You must go to the registration page of each of AAAS journal to register as a user of the online system if you do not yet have a username and password. Ensure that you register as an ‘Author’, ‘Reader’, and ‘Reviewer’ when creating your account.
Once you have an online account, login and click on the ‘Author’ link. The ‘Author’ page will include a link to begin the online submission process.
When submitting online, please note that you need to click on ‘Save/Continue’ at the bottom of each page in order to proceed to the next step in the submission process. There are 5 steps to an online submission.
Here are the direct links from each of our journals for you to register and submit manuscripts online:
International Journal of Biomedicine & Life Sciences
International Journal of Business & Economics
International Journal of Chemistry & Materials Sciences
International Journal of Computer Science & Communications
International Journal of Earth & Environmental Sciences
International Journal of Engineering & Technology
International Journal of Medicine & Healthcare
International Journal of Physics & Mathematics
International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Angloamericanae Journal
Submission File, Tables, Figures, and Images
In Step 1,
Starting the Submission:
-Journal section
Select the appropriate section for this submission (For example: Volume 2, No. 1, February, 2017.
-Submission Checklist
You review, complete, and check off each item in the 'Submission Checklist'.
In Step 2, Uploading the Submission:
-You upload and submit the file
In Step 3, Entering the Submission's Metadata:
-You enter title of the manuscript, abstract and references here.
In Step 4, Uploading Supplementary Files (upload all tables, figures, images, and supplementary files).
-Tables should be saved and uploaded as separate DOC or DOCX files (i.e. filenames should end with .doc or .docx).
-Figures and images should be saved and uploaded using high quality image formats: BMP, TIFF, EPS, JPEG (uncompressed); not GIF or compressed JPEG.
-Figures and images should be 300dpi (print quality) and no wider than 4.5 inches.
In Step 5, Confirming the Submission(finish your submission by reviewing your submission details and confirming that your submission is complete).
-Papers should not be submitted for publication elsewhere during the review period.
-Authors will be required to suggest their potential international reviewers when submitting a manuscript to AAAS journals.
What papers can I submit to AAAS Journals?
In our journals you can submit the following types of manuscripts:
Original Articles(word limit 8000, abstract word limit 300, reference limit 30, and no author limit)
Review Articles(word limit 4000, abstract word limit 4000, reference limit 20, and no author limit)
Research Briefs(word limit 3000, abstract word limit 300, reference limit 50, and author limit 5)
Special Articles (word limit 2000, abstract word limit 200, reference limit 10, and author limit 3)
Editorial Views (word limit 1500, abstract word limit 100, reference limit 10, author limit 1)
Case Series (word limit 1500, abstract word limit N/A, reference limit 5, and author limit 5)
Case Reports (word limit 1500, abstract word limit 100, reference limit 10, and author limit 5)
Clinical Images (word limit 1000, abstract word limit N/A, reference limit 5, and author limit 5) and
Book Reviews (word limit 1000, abstract word limit N/A, reference limit 5, and author limit 4).
How many papers I can submit in one issue?
Only one paper can be submitted for publication in a single issue as first author and one paper as co/author.
Is it possible to submit a paper which exceeds the 8000 words?
If a reasonable explanation exists, the Editorial Board may accept not to limit the number of words.
In which format I should submit the manuscript?
The paper must be submitted in MS Word file. Your final paper (text and embedded figures) must be sent in MS Word Document using our online submission system.
Can I submit a paper in any language?
No, papers MUST be sent only in English.
Is there any structure specified for papers submitted in AAAS Journals?
Each article must contain the following sections:
-Author’s Affiliation
-Key Words
-Body, (Recommended to include here: Literature review, Research methods, Analysis result)
Can I check my final paper before printing?
Authors will receive a layout version of their paper in MS Word of their accepted paper for proof (read) before publishing and/or printing. At this stage authors must pay attention to any details especially to the equations, tables, and graphics. After making corrections to any errors they must send their corrected version within 7 days.
What is AAAS journals’ policy regarding plagiarism cases?
Our authors will receive plagiarism reports for their manuscripts. These reports include similarity index, highlighted copied text, source document, plagiarism score, etc. If there is a plagiarism score detected in papers then the same papers will instantly be rejected and these authors are going to be banned from publishing in AAAS journals in the future.