Indian Telecom Services Market: An Analysis of Late Entrant and Market Disruption


  • Pai Santosh V Kirloskar Institute of Management, Yantrapur, Harihar, India
  • Hiremath Chetan V Kirloskar Institute of Management, Yantrapur, Harihar, India


Market disruption, later entrant, market disruption, India, technology.


The Indian economy is growing at a fast pace. There were many disruptions in the Indian market across industries. The objective of this study was to determine whether the late entrant in India’s telecom services market disrupted the market. Three variables were considered for the study namely, telecom subscribers, internet subscribers and sales revenues of telecom companies. We applied these variables to the three litmus tests developed by Harvard professor Clayton Christensen to determine whether market disruption had happened. To undertake this study, data were collected from telecom companies between 2010 and 2022. The data were retrieved from the website of the telecom regulatory authority of India. Regression analysis was used to understand the trends, Pettit test was used to know whether there is a change point and Chows test was used to identify when the break in time series data had occurred. The study found that the late entrant had indeed disrupted the telecom services market.


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How to Cite

Pai Santosh V, & Hiremath Chetan V. (2024). Indian Telecom Services Market: An Analysis of Late Entrant and Market Disruption. International Journal of Business & Economics (IJBE), 9(2), 94–112. Retrieved from
